If you are determined to lose weight, do it in a healthy way!! Reasons for [...]
Before you embark on any crazy diets, ask yourself WHY am I doing this? There [...]
Whole grains provide not only carbs, but fiber, B vitamins and iron. If you have [...]
Happy New Year 2019! Many of us make all kinds of “New Year Resolutions” every [...]
Just say no to diets and dieting! The majority of people who go on a [...]
What’s your plan for staying fit through the winter? “I get out and walk when [...]
Our holiday season is a time for celebration with social gatherings and special meals. It [...]
Type 2 Diabetes is a progressive disease—it gets worse over time. Many people with type [...]
Help lower blood pressure by eating more potassium High blood pressure is a major factor [...]
Weight may be genetic, but environment makes a difference It has long been known that [...]